All Articles: Research

Survey explores care of people in prison with chronic and life-limiting illness

Chesney served as co-guest editor of the Journal of Pediatric Health Care’s special edition focused on planetary health

The Office of Nursing Research and Scholarship announced School of Nursing Foundation grant awards. Three faculty and one PhD student received funding to advance nurse research.

Faculty, students and community members gathered in person and virtually April 8 for the school’s annual Nursing Research Day. The theme this year was Health Behavior Change in a Digital World.

Lauren Martin and Barb McMorris

The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) named the Minnesota Youth Sex Trading (MYST) Project the recipient of its Ally Award.

International invitational workshop develops blueprint for nursing to take a leadership role in shaping artificial intelligence use in health systems

Community-engaged research is a powerful approach for nurses

Research seeks to build trust, improve stroke knowledge

Grounded in culture and history, the intervention addresses African American intergenerational trauma

Study finds that less than one-third of adolescents report discussing sexual health during annual visits