
Icebergs melting

Climate Change and Health Curriculum

An interprofessional Response Curriculum helps learners understand the connection between climate and health, and that it is essential for health professionals of all disciplines.

A lighthouse on the sea back-lit by a rising sun

Cross-Cutting Principles for Planetary Health Education

Read full descriptions for the 12 cross-cutting principles—a set of guiding principles that educators teaching planetary health at any level should strive to impart upon their students.

underside of a green leaf

The Planetary Health Education Framework

The Planetary Health Education Framework aims to guide the education of global citizens, practitioners, and professionals able and willing to address the complex Planetary Health challenges of our world today. 

Sao Paula from a hillside

São Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health

We, the global planetary health community , raise an alarm that the ongoing degradation of our planet’s natural systems is a clear and present danger to the health of al l people everywhere.