
Track 1

Project Showcase on Multi-Modal Approaches to Social Drivers of Health (SDOH)

Sripriya Rajamani, MBBS, PhD, MPH, FAMIA

Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota

Robin Austin, PhD, DNP, DC, RN-BC, FAMIA, FNAP

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota

Summary: Numerous tools are being developed to collect Social Drivers of Health (SDOH) data and many projects are being implemented to use the data to impact health outcomes. Join us as we showcase various SDOH projects presenting different perspectives: Digital access as SDOH, putting SDOH data to use by connecting to resources, and teaching tools for SDOH education. We will provide ample opportunities for discussion on the role of informatics.

Dr. Priya Rajamani is an informatics faculty in the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota. She co-leads the PHIT certificate training with expertise in population/public health informatics. Her research interests are in using health information technology (HIT) to improve population health with focus on electronic data exchanges.

Dr. Robin Austin is an informatics faculty in the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota.  She directs the DNP-Nursing Informatics program and the Center for Nursing Informatics and co-leads the PHIT certificate program. Her research interests are in consumer/clinical informatics with emphasis on empowering individuals through technology.

Track 2

Encoding Nursing Knowledge Models with LOINC and SNOMED CT


The purpose of this session is to describe the mapping process for nursing knowledge model content, or nursing process documentation, to LOINC and SNOMED-CT.  Attendees will be able to identify the terminology and semantic types the parts of nursing process align with and learn how to find and use LOINC and SNOMED CT browsers to find matching content during the didactic exercises.

Dr. Susan Matney is a consultant nursing informaticist with expertise in semantic interoperability. Susan presented LOINC to the American Nurses Association in 2002 for recognition as a terminology for use by nursing. She represents nursing at national and international conferences and organizations, including SNOMED CT, HL7, and LOINC. Susan has been a steering committee member of the Nursing Knowledge Big Data Initiative since inception. She is past chair of the LOINC nursing subcommittee and SNOMED CT nursing special interest groups. She is the current vocabulary facilitator for the HL7 clinical informatics modeling initiative (CIMI).

Track 3

Playing with FHIR, Safely

Laura Heermann Langford, PhD, RN, FAMIA, FHL7

Chief Operating Officer, Logica

Summary: The FHIR frenzy continues to catch on.  This workshop will discuss basic FHIR concepts and its strengths and limitations while learning more about  HL7 FHIR basics and fundamental principles. After this initial overview of FHIR, the attendees will be guided through using online tools to examine HL7 FHIR Resources (the basic building blocks of FHIR) and build basic common FHIR Profiles (implementation guides for specific use cases).

Dr. Laura Heermann Langford, PhD, RN FAMIA, FHL7 is a COO at Logica, Inc. and a consultant in nursing informatics specifically related to topics in interoperability and care coordination.  Dr. Heermann Langford has a clinical background of nursing in adult emergency care and pediatric intensive care units and burn care.  Her informatics work has focused on interoperability, standards development and implementation, clinical engagement with standards development, clinical decision support and the optimization of clinical workflow.  She is a co-chair of the HL7 Emergency Care Workgroup (ECWG), HL7 Healthcare Clinical Interoperability Council Working Group (CIC), and the HL7 Patient Care Workgroup (PCWG) where she co-leads the HL7 PCWG Care Plan Initiative and is a founding member of the leadership of Clinicians on FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources).  These roles at HL7 allow her to have a tight connection between clinical domains and the application of HL7 standards, specifically FHIR in clinical application development and implementation. 

Track 4

Advancing Excellence: The Adaptable, Transformative Multimodal Nursing Informatics Framework for use in Education and Practice

Track Leaders: 

Dorcas Elisabeth Kunkel DNP, RN/PHN, CNE, CPHIMS, FNAP

Clinical Associate Professor, University of Minnesota School of Nursing

Mary Jane Rivard DNP, NI-BC (ANCC Board Certified – Nursing Informatics)

Clinical Assistant Professor and Post-Master’s DNP Track Director, University of North Dakota

Session Abstract:
The Multimodal Nursing Informatics Framework (MNIF) is a versatile tool designed to revolutionize the teaching and learning of informatics in nursing, with a primary focus on its application in both academic education and the ongoing development of practicing nurses. It explores the pressing issue of technostress within the contemporary healthcare environment and underscores the positive impact of academic-practice partnerships in enhancing nurses' experiences in care delivery.

Through the application of case studies and innovative pedagogical strategies, this work illuminates how MNIF seamlessly connects the intricate domains of informatics and clinical judgment. This holistic approach aligns with the essential competencies required for 21st-century nursing practice, equipping nurses to excel in technology-rich healthcare settings.

Importantly, MNIF's adaptability extends beyond traditional educational settings, offering a user-friendly approach for faculty and educators across diverse healthcare contexts. Its overarching goal is to cultivate a nursing workforce capable of excelling in a technology-rich healthcare environment while simultaneously elevating practice quality, safety, satisfaction, and retention.

In conclusion, the introduction of the Multimodal Nursing Informatics Framework marks a significant advancement in nursing education and practice. By integrating informatics seamlessly into the curriculum and promoting collaboration between academia and practice, MNIF aims to bridge the gap between nursing preparation and the demands of modern healthcare. Ultimately, it aspires to empower nurses to provide exceptional patient care and to thrive in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.

By the end of this symposium participants will be able to:

  1. Strategically integrate the Multimodal Nursing Informatics Framework (MNIF) into nursing education curricula and programs, recognizing its pivotal role in preparing nurses for the evolving healthcare landscape.
  2. Address technostress challenges within their organizations and using the MNIF foster a culture of technology resilience while optimizing patient care.
  3. Describe strategies needed to lead and optimize academic-practice partnerships for the benefit of both nursing education and practice, with a focus on improving practice quality, safety, satisfaction, and retention while aligning with the objectives of MNIF.

This track will be delivered in three sequential 50-minute sessions:

Session 1: "Unlocking the Potential of MNIF in Nursing Education Leadership"

Main Presenters: Chito Belchez, Brenda Kulhanek

Supporting Presenters: Barbara Pinekenstein, Mary Jane Rivard

Explore the Multimodal Nursing Informatics Framework (MNIF) and its transformative role in nursing education. This session focuses on strategic leadership for integrating MNIF into curricula and programs, preparing nurses for the evolving healthcare landscape.

Session 2: "Navigating Technostress: MNIF Strategies for Nursing Leaders"

Main Presenters: Mari Tietze, Dorcas Kunkel

Supporting Presenters: Barbara Pinekenstein, Chito Belchez 

Delve into the concept of technostress in healthcare and learn how to address it effectively using the MNIF. This session equips nursing leaders with the tools to identify and mitigate technostress challenges, promoting nurse well-being and optimizing patient care.

Session 3: "Mastering Academic-Practice Partnerships for Leadership Excellence"

Main Presenters: Katherine Taylor Pearson, Amy Rosa 

Supporting Presenters: Rebecca Freeman, Mari Tietze

Discover the positive impact of academic-practice partnerships on nursing education and practice. This session empowers attendees to lead and optimize these partnerships, enhancing practice quality, safety, satisfaction, and retention, while aligning seamlessly with the objectives of MNIF.