Deepening global collaboration with nursing partnerships

May 5, 2022

Carolyn Porta and Connie Delaney seated at a table behind the U.S. and China flags

The University of Minnesota School of Nursing deepened its global partnerships with recent signings of agreements with the Peking University Health Science Center in China, Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam and Pal College of Nursing and Medical Sciences in India. The agreements will foster collaboration and exchange to promote wellbeing.

Peking University in China

The School of Nursing and the Peking University Health Science Center in China signed a 10-year agreement for cooperation and exchange to promote wellbeing in China and the United States. Areas for potential collaboration include exchange of faculty members and students, joint research activities and organization of joint conferences.

“Thank you for this opportunity to partner with you,” said Dean Connie White Delaney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FNAP, at a virtual signing ceremony in October. “We are both resonating with the ideas of how we can cooperate in research and foster the growth of PhD education. We are honored to partner with you.”

Dean Shaomei Shang, PhD, said that while she is hopeful to meet face to face, in the meantime exchange can occur remotely. “It is great that we can work together,” said Shang.

Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam

The School of Nursing and the Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam signed a 10-year agreement with the goal of establishing reciprocal exchanges and cooperative activities.

“Today is a special marker of a formal signing of an agreement that we’ve been planning and developing over a number of years. We are delighted to partner with you, the most prestigious medical university in Vietnam,” said Delaney, at a virtual signing ceremony in October. “We are committed to developing specific plans that bring this agreement to life.”

Connie Delaney and Carolyn Porta on Zoom call with two leaders from Hanoi
Virtual signing with Hanoi Medical University

The agreement for cooperation and exchange is based on friendship, equality, mutual assistance and community interests to promote wellbeing of the people of both countries. Areas for potential collaboration include exchange of faculty and students, joint research activities and joint conferences.
Truong Quang Trung, PhD, vice dean of faculty of nursing and midwifery at Hanoi Medical University, shared his enthusiasm for the partnership. “We have the commitment to improve not only for quality of nursing care but for the profession,” said Trung.

Pal College in India

The School of Nursing and the Pal College of Nursing and Medical Sciences in India signed a 10 year agreement for academic and research association.

The agreement will promote wellbeing of the people of both institutions, states and countries. Areas for potential collaboration include a teaching faculty competency enhancement program, post graduate research, joint research activities, public health ventures and joint conferences.

Connie Delaney seated behind the US and Indian flags on a table
Virtual signing with Pal College

“The key areas of this partnership are vibrant professional development, advancing education in both of our environments and our commitment to fostering joint research,” said Delaney, at a virtual signing ceremony in September. “It’s also about relationship. The relationship and connection between head and heart are what define us here at the University of Minnesota. This is a very significant point in the history of this school to be able to enter into a partnership with you.”

Dean Ratna Prakash, PhD, said the signing comes at a critical moment. “We feel very fortunate to be connected with you in collaboration to improve the human situation,” said Prakash. “Health means the body, mind, spirit relationship. So it’s not only the physical, we also take care of mind, body, spirit. With this friendship, I hope we find a way to enhance our health care situation mutually.”

Categories: School News
